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/ Quote - Elettroniche / Decca London Audio

Decca London Audio



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Original price Eur: prezzo al momento della prima uscitaprice at the moment of the first output
Quote: quotazione possibile del prodottopossible product quotation
Estimated Price Eur: è il prezzo che il prodotto dovrebbe avere oggi, calcolato con un’inflazione media del 2%, dall’anno di produzione, fino all'anno corrente.It is the price the product should have at present, calculated with an average inflation of 2%, from the year of production to the current year.
Quotazioni in Eur 2013Quotation at 2013 in Eur
Note in rosso a cura della RedazioneNotes in red are by the Editorial Staff.
La nostra opinione / Our opinion(Good Object) - (Very Good Object) - (Recommended) - (One of the Best, Recommended)


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Decca Londo Audio


Pic Model Year Type Original price Eur Quotation Eur Estimated price Eur
decca london internazional Internazional 1970 tonearm 130,00 80-280 305
decca london Reference AEC Reference 2012 cartridge out 5 mv 4.000,00 1600 4.080
decca london Jubilee Jubilee 2012 cartridge out 5 mv 2.200,00 880 2.244
decca london  super gold[1] Super Gold 2012 cartridge out 5 mv 850,00 340 867
Decca london gold Gold 2012 cartridge out 5 mv 830,00 332 847
decca london Maroon Maroon 2012 cartridge out 5 mv 600,00 240 612
decca london professional Professional 2012 cartridge out 5 mv 550,00 220 561
Decca London Gold Decapod Decapod 2012 cartridge out 5 mv 1.050,00 420 1.071




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