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/ Quote - Elettroniche / Bel Canto

Bel Canto



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Original price Eur: prezzo al momento della prima uscitaprice at the moment of the first output
Quote: quotazione possibile del prodottopossible product quotation
Estimated Price Eur: è il prezzo che il prodotto dovrebbe avere oggi, calcolato con un’inflazione media del 2%, dall’anno di produzione, fino all'anno corrente.It is the price the product should have at present, calculated with an average inflation of 2%, from the year of production to the current year.
Quotazioni in Eur 2013Quotation at 2013 in Eur
Note in rosso a cura della RedazioneNotes in red are by the Editorial Staff.
La nostra opinione / Our opinion(Good Object) - (Very Good Object) - (Recommended) - (One of the Best, Recommended)


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Bel Canto

Pic Model Year Type Original price Eur Quotation Eur Estimated price Eur
Bel Canto C5i C5i 2012 DAC Integrated Amplifier 2x60w 1.995 798,00 2.035
Bel canto C7R_01 C7R 2012 DAC Integrated Amplifier 2x60w 2.995 1.198,00 3.055
Bel Canto CD2 CD2 2007 CD Transport 2.995 1100-1250 3.373
Bel Canto CD3t CD3t 2011 CD Transport 1.495 598,00 1.555
Bel Canto DAC1.5 DAC 1.5 2010 DAC 1.495 598,00 1.587
Bel Canto DAC2.5 DAC 2.5 2011 DAC 1.995 798,00 2.076
Bel Canto DAC 3 DAC 3 2007 DAC 2.800 1020-1220 3.153
Bel Canto DAC3.5 DAC 3.5 mkII 2010 DAC 3.495 1.398,00 3.709
Bel Canto e Vo2i eVo2i 2007 integrated amplifier 3.800 1440-1640 4.279
Bel Canto FM1 FM1 2012 FM Tuner 1.495 598,00 1.525
Pic Interconnect xlr/rca 2012 interconnect 595 238,00 607
Bel Canto LNS1 LNS1 2012 Power Supply 495 198,00 505
Bel Canto M300 M300 2006 power amplifier 2.500 930-1130 2.872
Bel Canto mLink mLink 2010 USB Converter 375 150,00 398
Bel Canto PHONO3VB PHONO3VB 2012 MM/MC Phono Preamplifier 2.000 800,00 2.040
Bel Canto PRE3VB PRE3VB 2012 Preamplifier 1.800 720,00 1.836
Pic REF VB 2012 Power Cable 395 158,00 403
Bel Canto REF1000M REF1000M 2012 Mono Amplifier 1x500w 2.995 1.198,00 3.055
Bel Canto REF150S REF150S 2012 Stereo Amplifier 1.695 678,00 1.729
Bel Canto REF500M REF500M 2012 Mono Amplifier 1x250w 1.995 798,00 2.035
Bel Canto REF500S REF500S 2012 Dual Mono Amplifier
2.595 1.038,00 2.647
Bel Canto REFLink REFLink 2011 USB Converter 1.495 598,00 1.555
Bel Canto s125 S125 2012 Stereo Amplifier 2x65w 995 398,00 1.015
Bel Canto S300 S300 2006 power amplifier 1.800 630-830 2.068
Bel Canto S300i (2) S300i 2006 integrated amplifier 2.250 850-1050 2.585
Bel Canto uLink uLink 2011 USB Converter 675 270,00 702
Pic Ultraspeakers Cable 2012 Spleaker cable 1.295 518,00 1.321
Pic VB Barrel 2012 Power Cable 100 40,00 102
Pic VB loking 2012 Power Cable 125 50,00 128
Bel Canto VBS1 VBS1 2012  VBS1 Power Supply 1.495 598,00 1.525



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