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Insert an “Private ADS”


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You are in the “Private ADS”.

Enter your hi-fi equipment, fill in the required fields and use only the categories “Private Ads “.

Your ads (one ad for each product) will appear on the page ” Private Ads “.


ATTENTION. Before inserting an ad, read carefully and approve the rules.



The price of the products should be entered without commas or dots.

Once inserted, your ad will be published only after the approval of the Administrator.

– Click on “Upload = Upload Photos” to upload your photos


Share your ads on Facebook, Twitter, Google+1 or elsewhere on the internet to increase their visibility.

 Your products will be seen by all your friends at once.



These links can provide you useful information to buy and sell your Hi Fi items.

Equipment Review

List of reviews of “Vintage Review” Hi Fi components

Equipment List

General list of all the products contained in “Vintage Review”

Quotazioni – Quote

Quotes to buy or to sell any Hi Fi product.

Quick Information

In-depth analysis on the inserted products in ADVERTISEMENTS.







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